
Recent articles

  • Perfect Lighthouse Scores with Orison

    May 1st, 2019

    Google Lighthouse gives web apps a score along the dimensions of performance, accessibility, best practices, seo, and progressive web apps. Get a perfect score out of the box with Orison!

  • Example Contentful Integration

    April 23rd, 2019

    OrisonJS is designed to connect to content and data providers, creating websites with rich and authorable content.

  • About OrisonJS

    April 23rd, 2019

    OrisonJS is a static site generator built on top of lit-html with optimal performance, SPA, PWA, and static site generation out of the box with no frontend dependencies.

  • Static Sites Are Not So Static

    April 22nd, 2019

    Is the term "static sites" a misnomer? Surely a static site could never be a single page application, right? In this post we will quickly look at the genesis of OrisonJS and how the future of the web is static.

  • Static sites are great

    May 15th, 2017

    Worry less about security, caching, and talking to the server. Static sites are the new thing.

  • Hello world

    May 14th, 2017

    Your very first content with Contentful, pulled in JSON format using the Content Delivery API.

  • Automate with webhooks

    May 11th, 2017

    Webhooks notify you, another person or system when resources have changed by calling a given HTTP endpoint.